
tractorYes, we have made the decision that we need to get a small tractor!!! Whilst it has been fun and somewhat fulfilling strimming the land each time we visit, now the house is there we want to enjoy that more, so strimming is becoming a bit of an annoyance. Plus, in the summer it is just too hot, so it means getting up early doing a couple of hours and packing up by about 10 am.

The land does need to be cleaned every year, not just to make it look nice but to reduce the fire risk. Whilst this is not an issue for us, we do want to keep the risk low and there is current a move within the Portuguese government to introduce mandatory land maintenance, which would mean they would clean the land and the owners have to pay the bill, the land is claimed by the government until you pay up. The way to avoid that is to clean the land annually yourself. capinadeiraThe way to do this easily is with a tractor. With a tractor and a “capanadeira” more details about that later, but in essence it’s like a large rotating chain, under a cover, that you drag across the land and it does the same job as a strimmer, but a lot quicker. I reckon I could do the whole plot in a day.

First task is to source the correct size tractor and equipment, so watch this blog for progress.

Posted in 2016, Project Portugal, Tractor | Leave a comment

The Farm


The original farm was about 2 acres, we have used about half of that to place the house and pool and have added about another acre with an addition purchase, so are back to about 2 acres.

The newer bit, although been cleaned and we need to keep it cleaned each year, we don’t intend to anything with for the time being, so we are back to about an acre that we need to pay particular attention to.

Posted in 2016, Project Portugal, The Farm | Leave a comment

July 2016

changeThere is not a lot to say this month, I think I have said before the main project is now all but finished and we are in to general remarks about general things about running any house, which let’s be honest can get a bit boring, so I think I am going to change the format of the blog a little going forward from now to make it more relevant.

So instead of doing monthly updates I am going to blog on “mini projects” for example, one project will be “The Farm” another “The House & Garden” or “The Old Hut” then I will just blog against each as things change, I will add equivalent categories to make accessing easier, so expect a number of blogs to appear in the coming days, each introducing a new subject.

Updates will be more irregular depending on if anything has happened, good or not so good, we don’t like bad! So keep checking in or watch for the alerts if you have subscribed or notifications on Social Media.

Posted in 2016, Construction Update, General, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

June 2016

GrassJune has been a far better month, I know we were late posting May’s blog, but that was more because we had some issues as I am sure you have read and we wanted to at least get some of the corrections done before posting, daft I know but we like to stay on the positive. LandWe still have some corrective work to get finished off but at least the better weather has returned.

RepairLand1At a visit during the month we were able to review and confirm progress on the work. PipesThe new larger pipes have been installed for the stream, or should I say to allow for the crossing of the stream and the start of a new rock wall along the side of the stream where it had overflowed was in progress. The rather large Grand Canyon style crater that was created has been filled and the bank to the neighbour’s land has been strengthen with rocks. So everything was starting to look as normal as it could, we just need the vegetation to grow back now so it doesn’t look so “manufactured”.

The irrigation system to the farm area has been installed and is almost complete, just a bit of tidying up to be done. The only issue we had was that because we are using the same borehole for the watering as we are for the house, when this is running it takes all the water away from the house, which is not so good. After a few discussions and thoughts, the decision for now is to run the new irrigation at night, when we don’t need water in the house. With some scheduling of the watering around the house should avoid any usage problems, that with the addition of a non-return value on the house pipe should fix it for now.

After several attempts, reading the manuals and a fair amount of testing, we got the result we needed. The manuals were fortunately in English, but it still takes a bit of thinking about to understand what it was actually saying, but we got there in the end.

The schedule for now is:

  • 1:00 am watering around the house, flowers and grass for 1 hour, 6 x 10 min segments.
  • 3:00 am watering on the farm for 1.5 hours
  • 7:00 am a second session around the house, repeat of 1:00am

It was also time for the great unveiling of the pool. Whoohoo! You have to bear in mind we had it installed at the end of last October and it has been covered up since then, whilst we have been to the house, it has either been to cold, e.g. the winter or our visits have been too short. We had to get it done at that time due to the availability of the construction company. It was a bit mucky so a good clean of the sides was needed, but the floor was still very sandy.

We didn’t want to clean the sand out until the guy who constructed the pool returned to give us instructions on cleaning the filters, we were sure we would clog them up with the amount of sand that there was.  However, it was just sand in the water. After it had settled, post the cleaning of the sides, the water was clear, so the first dips/swims were certainly in order. Splash!

WowWe also turned the lighting in the pool on late one evening and the affect with the darkening skies was just knockout.

The last job on this visit was to get the outside lights all put up and working.

This we managed to do just about but didn’t have time to take any photos so they will follow soon. It is going to be quite impressive I think.

Posted in 2016, Casa Neroli - Photos, Construction Update, General, Project Portugal | 1 Comment

May 2016

Disaster Strikes

WetLand1Well that may be a little over dramatic but it got your attention.

The start of May proved to be the wettest period recorded since records began for Portugal. The persistent heavy rain at the start of the month put everything under pressure. We also had the additional problem that we had a lot of land clearance work completed over the last 4 – 6 weeks, clearing the land and the streams, which you would have thought would have helped with the amount of rainfall, but it caused problems because of the amount of free flowing rubbish ( off cuts from the clearing ). Had the land had time to recover we are sure most of this would have been held / helped by the vegetation.

Stream1We had a bridge, well concrete pipes put in the ground to take the flow of the stream, we needed to do something to allow a tractor etc to gain access to lower section of the land. The problem was the pipes that were fitted were not really big enough to take the flow. They would probably have be fine for the general average rainfall, but anything abnormal they would struggle and with the excess water this month and the rubbish coming down , blocking part of the tube caused the water to back up and overflow its banks.

The net result was it washed across our land and ended up washing a fair amount of the soil and sand from our land on to our neighbour’s farm. Whilst he was very understanding of the abnormal conditions, we had to agree that the work we had done had caused problems on his land, which of course we agreed to help him recover from.

Stream2The men that had done the work on our land were also being very fair about the fact that they felt the under sizing of the pipe and clearing had contributed to the problem. So we agreed that we would fund the materials and they would provide the labour at their cost to correct the problem, making repairs to the land where a huge hole had appeared, repair to the bank near the neighbour and double the size of the pipe in the ground.

CanyonHowever as we approached the end of the month the work had still not been done, I guess in some ways it is understandable, that they didn’t want to progress whilst the land was still sodden after the rain and of course it is the cherry season and therefore most of the men will be out harvesting the 2016 crop, it was still however disappointing from our perspective.

To make it worse, the heavy rains and now the lovely sunshine had made the grass/clover around the house go into growth overdrive! If it grows much more without having a cut they we may have a problem finding the house, lol. In any case the Swimming pool is disappearing in the long grass. We had asked the same team that was doing the work above to cut the grass as well, which they had agreed to, but……the cherries!

The rain devastated the whole region and the cherry crops, production was down on the previous years by around 80%, yes thats right 80% so you can imagine what it has done to the industry and the price. Lets just hope that next year recovers.

Posted in 2016, Construction Update, General, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

April 2016

Garden2Despite the very changeable weather this month we have managed to progress work on the farm and garden areas.




The beginning of the month was really quite wet so it was difficult for the workmen to get on site and get any real work done, but towards the end of the month the weather improved enough that work could progress.


IrrVines1Tidy1The irrigation has been laid into the vines and the fruit trees, despite pressure from the guy that was doing the work for us to rip out the old vines and plant new ones on the cleared land.

IrrFruitTrees1We wanted to maintain a status quo for the time being, once we are there more we can progress a bigger “plantation” for now we just want to “play”.

You can see by the photo why he was looking to do this, it’s a large flat area idea for a small vineyard.


May be in a couple of years eh!



Remembering of course that we brought the extra piece of land that he has now cleared just to make sure no one else could build anything there, domestic or agricultural. We were originally just going to leave it as it was, completely over gown but the guy doing the work couldn’t stand it so had to clear it.


I feel that in the next few years it may get overgrown again, but at least it has been landscaped a bit now.

FrontGate1The other job that we have managed to get done was the re-laying of granite cubes just in front of the garage, which had to be redone just because the land had settled on the outside of the building causing a small dip.

The main re-laying was the area where the gates open due to the slop of the drive this had to change to allow the gates to operate properly.

FrontGate2This looks so much better now, it was originally ok, but when the gates were installed the camber of the drive did not allow for the gates to open, so the granite blocks were hastily adjusted just to allow the gates to work and it did make a bit of a mess that has now all been put right.

So, on these two jobs there is just a bit of snagging to complete and then it’s set to go.


Posted in 2016, Construction Update, General, Project Portugal | 4 Comments

March 2016

Clearing1It was a wet start to the month so the work on the agricultural element of the project was delayed yet again. However, around the middle of the month the weather improved enough that the work could really get under way. We were aiming to visit at Easter which was towards the end of the month, so there was a good chance of some real progress. The one thing we have seen with the agricultural team retained to do this work, was that whilst they seemed typical of Portuguese tradesman to get them on site, they were always very keen to impress, so knowing we were on our way, did give seem to give them some real energy to get on.

TilesThere was a couple of other jobs that seemed to progress well during March one was the tiling between the cupboards and the counter tops in the Kitchen, and the other was the painting of the pool/plant room, PlantRoomPoolthe team that came to do the tiling was able to do the painting as well whilst they were on site. In both cases they did an excellent job, both jobs were in our opinion finished to a really good standard.

We arrived at the house on Easter Saturday and on the Sunday were able to inspect all the work; the work on the land was well underway and progressing well. As expected the team doing the work had been a little over zealous in places, but we had expected that after hearing about them from a previous client of theirs. As you can tell it didn’t put us off, we were told they do an excellent job, but can do a little more than you anticipate. The trenches were in place for the main irrigation pipe runs, and ramps between the tiers on the land were roughly in place.

Unfortunately, we received some sad news from the UK on the Monday so had to return to our home in England.

Clearing2We did however manage to meet with Paulo our Project Manager and the guy from the agricultural firm doing the work on the land to have a quick review of the work before we left, just because the meeting had been previously arranged.

Clearing3Subsequent to returning to the UK, we have had further updates and the irrigation system and land clearing is progressing well. We are sure that now the work in underway, it will get completed as long as the weather holds out, which on the day of writing we hear it is a tad wet.

Posted in 2016, Construction Update, General, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

February 2016

GatesFrontSo February has seen the gates all installed, although we are going to have to get the paver back at some point to adjust and tidy up the granite blocks on the drive as the locksmith had to lower some of the to allow for the main gates to open.



The main car gates are in operation, automatic openers installed as well of course. The pedestrian entrance gate in place as well.


PlantRoomThe locksmith has also installed a door to the plant room as well, where all the swimming pool filtration and the power for the water from the borehole etc. is, so that should make that a lot more secure. Just need to get the electrician back now to install some light in there so we can see!

GateMovedWe also got the locksmith to realign the green gates at the other end of the road, to follow more in line with the dirt track and have a small return, looks so much better now.


IrrControlsWhilst we are still waiting for the weather to improve enough to get the agricultural man in to complete the track down to the farm, build the bridge over the stream and install the watering system to the fruit trees, we do have the irrigation in place for the plants and grass around the house, here is a photo for the controls, will be interesting to see it all in operation in the spring and summer.

We are very nearly at the end of bulk of what we wanted to do so I think its time to stop the monthly updates on construction, although we will keep the blog going, I am sure there will be lots more interesting and informative things happening in coming months, so the blogs will be become a bit more irregular as we start to really enjoy the results of efforts.

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January 2016

PoolSideJanuary has been a bad month weather wise in Portugal, although you wouldn’t think so looking at this picture. Taken on one of the good days. The consequence has been that the land around our property has been very wet and this has seriously hampered progress getting any more outside work done. However in between the raining days there have been a few sunny intervals which have allowed a little progress.

gatesThe main thing this month has been the main gates. We have gone for a plain grey painted flat steel plates on a metal frame. Very simple, which of course keeps the cost down, but in the main, we are in a very rural area so anything more would be out of character for the area. I will share the photos of the finished job at the end of February.

Posted in 2016, Construction Update, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Welcome to 2016

2016Feliz Ano Novo – Happy New Year.

As mentioned in the last update in 2015, we flew down on the 30th December to see in the New Year at the house.

We knew the weather would not be brilliant, but better than the UK, however saying that I don’t think there is much difference this year. Well to where we are in the South of England, the North has had a bit of rough time of it lately.

Still we got here around 11:30pm and it was great when the lights came on as we pulled up. So a quick check around, make sure we had hot water, our Project Manager Paulo have very kindly taken the cover of the solar panel so we have warm water.

New Years eve was lovely, after a leisurely breakfast, it was a time for a walk around outside and see how everything was. Generally everything was as we expected, the work the gardener had done was good, although the rain water finding it way to lower ground was forming gulley’s, like mini Grand Canyons in some places with the new loose soil, but we can sort them later in the year.

stolenfruitThe biggest disappointment was when we when down to the fruit area, to find that someone, no idea who had completely stripped our Orange trees of every piece of fruit, they didn’t leave anything, how bloody mean, we don’t mind anyone walking through and enjoying the land and even partaking in a piece of our fruit, but to strip the trees is just greedy.

We do still have the other fruit, Lemons, Satsuma, Mandarins etc, but not an Oranges to be found. What can you do, I guess we can put up some notices but it too late for this crop? Oh well! Remember the motto, “Never Mind eh!” but still grrrrr…

In the afternoon our very dear friends Jules and Andy came by and it was lovely to see them both again, along with Oscar the dog and the newest member of the the Largent household “Molly” a young Terrier.

ChampersIn the evening we settled down to a couple of good films we had brought down with us and gently worked our way through a couple of bottles of Champagne we had picked up at the airport on the way out. Along with the log burner going full blast it was lovely. At midnight we took our refreshed glasses of fizz and watched all the fireworks going off around the area. It was a cold, but lovely dry evening and we could see the fireworks for miles.

Well we are only here for a few days, doh! we are not doing any work around the house or farm this trip I don’t think the weather would let us anyway, so the next few days we just plan to spend loafing around the house in front of the fire and maybe if the clods disappear again a run up to the Serra da Estrela, which is just 30 mins away from the house. Always worth a visit if you are in the area.

So that’s it, Feliz Ano Novo or Happy New Year.

Watch out 2016 here we come.

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