July Update

IMG_20140708_120011.jpgWell July was a month of very mixed emotions. At the start of the month things seemed to be progressing reasonably well, you will see from the photo that the builders started to put the reinforcing steels on the roof, but after a few days everything just stopped.

The next two or three weeks were very uncomfortable and stressful; we had expected that we may have some stressful moments during the build, but when they come it still doesn’t make it any easier. (I’m sure there will be more to come as well!)

Donald BreakthroughBasically everything stopped, no builders on site, no progress and what was worrying, no Marco! Paulo and Pedro, the architects and Project Management team seemed unable to locate him, they tried visiting the other sites they knew about, phoning, visiting his local haunts and emailing, but nothing. Now this is not uncommon with builders anywhere in the world and Paulo said they see this a lot in Portugal, but didn’t expect it from Marco. You can imagine all the things that were running through our minds, especially as we are on a limited budget for the build. Has he done a bunk with our money, we felt sure that was not the case but you can’t help what goes through your mind, we are all human, aren’t we?

As you may have read in last month’s blog, we knew that work was running behind on the work at the Orca Swimming Pool. What came to light was Marco was also doing some work for Pedro, one of our Architects and was late in starting that work as well. This of course worked to our benefit in one way that he also had a vested interest in tracking Marco down.

You can imagine that we were starting to get a little concerned. It wasn’t so much that the work had stopped; it was more the fact that nobody seemed to be able to contact Marco. We just had no idea what had happened. Was he ill? Was he on holiday? Was he in trouble? etc. It was bad enough for Paulo and Pedro and they speak Portuguese and are local, but for us being remote it was very worrying.

Eventually, thank goodness Pedro made contact with Marco, phew! And the story of what was been going on became clearer. It seems that Marco has a number of projects on. I won’t detail everything here as it’s his business not mine. This was however, stretching his resource, so he had brought in a sub-contract team for one of the jobs. They had badly let him down and they had made a lot of mistakes. Eventually he had been forced to sack them from that project. He therefore felt obliged to take his already over stretched team to that project to correct the mistakes and get the project back on track.

This of course had adversely affected progress on our build, we believe Marco felt justified as there is still a fair amount of time left on our project and therefore he has enough time to catch things up. This is ok, we know there will be problems with projects, but tell us. Keep us informed and if you are not going to be on site for a week or so, let us know and we are less likely to worry and therefore give you grief. We asked Paulo/Pedro to pass this comment on to Marco, don’t know that it will make any difference but at least we can make our point of view known.

We have detailed a fair bit in this blog, hopefully explaining the actions of the month, so that if you are doing a similar project, you can see the sort of things you might come up against. Hopefully it will give some reassurance.

Marco has pledged to be back onto our project the first week in August, let’s hope that’s the case. Again, we passed the message to him via the Project team, which if this is not going to happen for any reason, we need to know, don’t leave us hanging. In fact I think I will be emailing the Project team to make sure they get an update from Marco.

So by the end of the month we seemed to ok again, maybe no real progress on the build but at least everything seems to be stable again, we think, well until the next time eh!

MontyPythonJuly was a bit like the Monty Python sketch, Anne Elk and her theory, which is her own and nobody else’s. The Brontosaurus is thin at one end, thick in the middle and thin at the other. Apologies to those not into the Python, but I am sure you get the analogy.

So we hope next week we should see some activity on our project, let’s hope so, but I don’t think I will hold my breath. Watch this space. Fingers Crossed. Time for another trip I feel.

Posted in 2014, Construction Update, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

June Update

DisappointedWell there’s not been a tremendous amount of progress this month, which is a tad disappointing. You will have read in our last blog we had a amazing visit earlier in the month, but not a lot has happened since then.

In the last update from the Project team we gained an understanding of why this might be. Amazing the information that can appear, it seems Marco is also building a bar on the swimming pool in his local village of which he is the Mayor, need I say any more.

Hopefully though one of the Project team is meeting with Marco over the weekend so we should have another update soon.

irritatedI guess in any building project of this nature you will get delays and glitches, but that still doesn’t stop you getting a bit, well not angry, that’s too strong, but a bit irritated. We know there is still a long way to go, but patience, patience, patience… no I want it now! Oh! Well never mind eh!

Moving-ForwardHaving said all that, there is progress, the builders where on site Wednesday last week, so we are edging ahead.




Here are a few photos from the month of June.

06.06. 2014

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Posted in 2014, Construction Update, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Long weekend or a short week?

long-weekendjpgWas it a long week end or a short week, there is the question?

Either way it doesn’t matter we just had one.

There was no way we could wait until August time to get back to Portugal to see for ourselves what was happening, so we decided that we needed to have a site meeting with the Architect/Project Manager and the builder to check on progress of the build against the schedule. Plus we hadn’t paid the builder any more money since the initial deposit and we were sure it must be due, although they hadn’t been asking for any. Anyway it is cherry harvest time!

The builder had also organised and paid for the borehole and the connection of the electric by various third parties and had paid for them himself, so we needed to reimburse him for this.

airplane-cartoonSo Wednesday evening off to the airport, making the most of our air miles we had managed to get a couple of return flights for £35 each, just meant it was Heathrow rather than Gatwick but hey ho! We had organised to be in Portugal from the Thursday to the next Tuesday so I guess that’s a long weekend really.

We had a wonderful 6 days, probably the best 6 days so far. We expected the weather to be reasonable, but did not expect it to be as good as it was. Clear blue skies and temperatures each day up to 35 degrees. Of course this meant more relaxing than work, so maybe that’s why we thought it was probably the best 6 days to date.

I will give a fuller update of progress on the end of month blog, but just to let you know during this visit, we had two meetings one with the builder and the Project Manager and a second with just the Project Manager.

The initial meeting on the Friday morning was focused around progress to date and both the builder and the Project Manager agreed we were on schedule, which is just as well as we didn’t have a clue, just know we want it done. The builder presented his bill and the Project Manager took the details to validate against the quote.

PopWe spent the rest of the morning at the builder’s merchants looking at toilets, showers and tiles. Which was interesting for the first hour, but after 3 hours we were losing the will to live. It also proved to be somewhat a waste of time, as when we met up again on the Monday and spent another half day looking at the brochures and then when we compared to the quote from Marco the things we had been looking at were double or treble the quote price.

So we then looked at the actual items that had been quoted and you know they were perfectly adequate. What would we rather do spend another €1000 on different shaped toilets or a swimming pool? No contest. Why didn’t we do this in the first place? So lesson learnt if you get to this stage maybe look at what’s been quoted for first before you go to the merchant and then make sure you look at the pricing and compare, else a lot of time can be wasted.

The other question was, why are we looking at these so early, the answer made sense, we had insisted that we had suspended sanitary ware and a decision was needed, as each type had a different frame that had to be built into the walls when they are constructed which would be soon, apparently.

DSC00853.JPGNot a lot of construction happened once again in the few days we were there. We made a joke of this with the builder as once again when we were there, the workmen weren’t. It was just bad timing, apparently the next stage was to start creating the roof and the metal work was all being prepared off site. DSC00854.JPG

On the Tuesday the workmen did reappear and indeed started to shutter up for the roofing, see photo.

Unfortunately 20140617_211635.jpgwe could only see the start of this but as we had to leave for the airport and back to the UK.

Oh! well roll on the next trip!

Lessons from this trip.

1. Check what actual equipment is in the quote.

2. If you visit the merchant, make sure you look at the prices as well.

3. Make sure you spray your legs with insect repellent, 100% Deet is preferable. Those bites really hurt.

Posted in 2014, General, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

May Update

02.05.14 – Our friends Jules and Andy paid a last visit to our site before heading off home; from the photos they sent we could see that the concrete has now been poured into the foundation beams.

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06.05.14 – We can see from the today’s photos from Paulo the Project Manager that the concrete on the foundation beams has set and the shuttering has/is being removed. What next? A question we posed to Paulo, would it be agreeable that when we get the update we also get an idea of what is going to happen in the next week or so, just so we know. He is going to discuss with Marco the builder to see what they can provide, we’ll see!

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13.05.14 – Today’s update certainly seems to show that we are getting more attention on site now. In the photos this time you can see that the columns/pillars are clearly in the process of being erected. Some still have the shuttering on but they are clearly in the process of having the shuttering removed.

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On a lighter note, there was an interesting conversation in the car on the way to work this morning between Teresa and myself, just shows how a man’s and a woman’s minds work in different ways. I was making comment about the pillars and how they are reinforced / made and Teresa look at me really puzzled, then the penny dropped, she was thinking pillows not pillars. We southerners tend to slang Pillows to Pillars.

Pillars drivingpillows20.05.14 – We are still making progress however slow it seems, but there is definitely a pattern to the way they are working. This week’s update shows they have completed the removal of the shuttering around the uprights; let’s avoid the pillars/pillows question eh! And they are in the process of shuttering up; installing the reinforcing metal ready for the concrete on the foundation beams that will form the two doorway areas.

The pattern definitely seems to be, shuttering, metal work, wait for concrete, pour concrete, and wait for concrete to set really well…….. Remove shuttering. This process seems to take about a week and half to complete.

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30.05.14 – Information has been a little slow these past few days, but today we received the latest update, it was great to see that further progress has been made. The architect also told us that they would pour the concrete in the latest shuttering next Monday and then press on with the roof supports.

IMG_3240.JPG IMG_3242.JPG IMG_3245.JPG IMG_3246.JPG IMG_3248.JPG IMG_3251.JPGHang on! That doesn’t look quite right. Sitting here this evening I have noticed a mistake. It looks like they have shuttered up for a crossbeam on the garage end of the building. That was not on the drawing, it fact it was one of the interesting features of the design that we liked, the open end of the building. So a quick email to the Project Manager to explain our concerns. Fortunately we are also friends with him on Facebook, so due to the importance maybe a private message to him would be an idea, but as luck would have it, he actually online, so a quick chat session and he confirmed that this did not look right and is therefore going to discuss with the builder in the morning. Hopefully we have caught it before they pour the concrete.

social.media_Maybe another useful piece of information for you, if you are trying to keep an eye on everything remotely, try to keep as many communication channels open as you can, including if possible, social media tools like Facebook and make sure you study the drawings and update photographs carefully to make sure things look right, if they don’t, ask.

Well that is for May, its June tomorrow so more next month. We will be making an onsite visit next month so expect a few more blogs, cant wait to get back and see it all for ourselves. ttfn.

Posted in 2014, Construction Update, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Updates going forward

sleep-emoticonNow that we are hopefully into the construction, we are going to change the format for the blog very slightly. Whilst we are excited at every update we see, I am sure if you are following this or reviewing it at some point in the future, it could be like wading through treacle to get to the relevant points.

So the plan is we will do just one major blog at the end of each month reporting on the general progress that has happened in the month, I will add a category “Construction Update” for these so you can just look at these if need be and then additionally add blogs about any additional events that might happen as they happen, e.g. trips and issues or problems.

Hope this helps

Posted in 2014, Construction Update, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

End of April Update

IMG_3144.JPGWell it’s almost the end of April and we have just had the latest update from the Project Management team. The news is good, they are advising that progress is good and the pictures show that even more progress has been made since the weekend when our friends Jules and Andy paid a sneaky visit to the site.

It’s interesting to see the methods and build system applied as these are very different to those in the UK are they better or worse? Who knows, but they are the Portuguese way and they must be using methods that work for that environment, so that’s OK with us.

YAYYou can see from the photos that the next stage seems to be to create a reinforced concrete parameter to the base of the house that is tied into the foundation pillars. The pictures show the shuttering and reinforcing bars in place to receive the concrete. Irrelevant of the technical aspect, the emotional is far greater, “we have progress” Yay!

We are still waiting to find out the cost of the little plant/machine room we need for the pumping of the borehole water, but we have now had confirmation that the borehole was 100 metres deep, Wow!

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Posted in 2014, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Quick Update

Our good friends Jules and Andy , not forgetting Oscar the dog, are in Portugal the two weeks after we us, and they managed to visit our site durning their stay and sent us a few pictures.

We can see that more progress is being made, which is good.

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Posted in 2014, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Back Home – Back to work – Building continues

drivingWe left Portugal on the Saturday and made our way back home. We tried a slightly different schedule this time to see if it was any better, instead of getting up and getting on the road by 5:00am each day and having the overnight in Bordeaux, we tried leaving around 9:00am and stopping in Bayonne overnight, arriving around 6:00pm and then leaving again around 9:00am after a good breakfast, have a leisurely drive up to Dieppe aiming to get there sometime in the evening and then use the 5:30am Ferry.

This worked extremely well, both days was far more easily paced, we were able to stop for a long lunch in Poitiers along with keeping the speed down a little from the maximum, thus making the fuel more economic. Teresa also took on a lot more of the driving on the way back, which was generally good all around.

DSC00767.JPGThe big negative to this schedule was the fact that we got to Dieppe at around 8:00pm and the ferry wasn’t until 5:30am the next morning, it was a very long and boring night. It was however a beautiful evening and we enjoyed a lovely walk along the Dieppe seafront.

Would we do it again? Don’t know at this point I would say no, but a saving on fuel and saving over £110 on the ferry might persuade me again, maybe just not leave Bayonne at 9:00am maybe 10:00am instead.

On a real positive, we received a email from Paulo (Project Manager) on the Tuesday, complete with pictures to show that the builders were very much back on site and as you can see, well just about as the quality of the pictures this time are not so good, they were shifting large quantities of soil around to get the site levelled. So action again at last, let’s hope it continues, although I suspect we will be continually chasing all the way through the project.

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Posted in 2014, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

Builders – What builders?

20140417_191826.jpgWell we have had a great week, the weather has just been incredible, continued through the week with blue skies and wonderful temperatures, shirts sleeves the order of the day, maybe not quite shorts though, although pretty close.



We never saw another builder for the whole of the second week, which was a bit disappointing and a little disconcerting, we emailed the Project Manager a couple of times and he was I think struggling to get in touch with Marco. We did get some feedback that they would be on site of the Thursday to level the land as per the agreement we had made the previous Wednesday, but nobody appeared. We think this may just have been a communication thing; it would have taken a couple of days I’m sure for Marco to arrange for the JCB (digger) to get the site anyway.



All in all we have had a great couple of weeks, work has progressed, just a bit disappointing we didn’t get to see much of it, but it’s still early days. The news is that there should be a bigger team on site in the next week or so, so we will see. I will keep you informed.

Posted in 2014, Project Portugal | Leave a comment

End of the first week

Level1We met the Architect/Project Manager and the builder on the Wednesday and had a productive hour or so, just going over the minor changes that were necessary and looking / deciding on the alternatives. The main issue was that due to the changes in level of the land from one end to another, if we stayed with the original plan the entrance to the garage would be 800mm higher than ground level, not very good to be able to get a car in eh!. Equally to drop the whole build by 800mm would not be good either, so we agreed to do a half and half drop one end by 400mm that would leave the garage end 400mm up, but as it was the garage we are allowed to have a step of 185mm up from the garage to the house level, so that would only leave the floor level 215mm high, that we could easily overcome by raising the ground level up to the entrance.

In the same visit we also discussed the construction of a small pump house at the same location as the borehole. This was the first time that Marco and Paulo had actually seen the borehole. It was positioned well, but of course we would need a small pump / pressure house to get the water from the borehole to the taps. This was going to be additional cost, but we did know this as explained in earlier blogs the connection of the electricity and the construction of the water supply were outside the building cost. We have budgeted for these and for a pump house but we will have to wait for the quote from Marco to see if we are close, fingers crossed. I will let you know the cost and how close we were when we get the price.

DSC00723.jpgThe next time we saw anyone was late on the Friday, around 5:00pm when the two builders from earlier in the week turned up and removed the shuttering from around where the concrete had been poured on the Tuesday.

We spent the majority of the week doing the usual gardening type chores and having days out. It is also worth saying that the weather for the time of year was superb, no rain, clear blue skies every day and temperatures of between 23 and 27, so absolutely superb. It is amazing how good weather like this can cheer you up 🙂

Amazingly, even with these temperatures we are only just 25 minutes away from the mountains and the skiing resort, not that we ski, but maybe we are going to have to start!

The views are stunning and it was amazing to see so much snow was still about.

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Different eh!

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