Welcome to 2015 we hope you have all had a great Christmas and 2015 has started well for you. We’ve had an interesting start to the year, some family illnesses have been of some concern, but it just has really underpinned the whole reason and logic of us setting out on this project.
We are really pleased to be able to report that the project itself has continued as it did at the end of 2014, progress has been excellent in January, The weather whilst being a little on the cold side has so far remained on the whole, dry. It has at least remained dry enough to get the Casa (House) closed up. Yes we really feel we can call it a house now. You will see from the photos the beautiful clear blue skies, oh! How we wish, but soon, eh! very soon.
So this month we have seen the remainder of the Insulation applied to the exterior, plus the external rendering applied along with several coats of external white finish, including what from the photos looks like the final finish.
On the inside we have seen the ceilings getting their plasterboard, including some of the little touches we had requested, like the slight recess around the edges. The tiles for the bathroom walls have arrived on site so I am sure we will very soon see these on the walls.
Another major move forward this month has seen the installation of the shutters, we can start to get a real feel for what the finished house may look like, and we can see the dark grey colour and how that will work with the white of the walls and the terracotta of the roof. The look is very pleasing.
The guttering has been installed, although the builder seemed a bit reticent to install as it is not that common in Portugal to have gutters, an English trait I feel, but on the rare occasions that rain does come, we don’t want the rain running on the roof and down out necks, so guttering it is.
So all in all a good month, enjoy the latest photos.
9th January
14th January
22nd January
27th January